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{Fabric Friday} Ink & Spindle + Earth Day ~ Organic Fabric Giveaway

I have the perfect textiles to feature on the Fabric Friday after Earth Day. While I know I have mentioned Ink & Spindle before, I have a little more to share. Lara Cameron and Tegan Rose are the two textile designers who run the boutique screen-printing studio in Australia. It was their love of screen printed textiles and sustainable alternatives to mass produced textiles that brought the two together. They take great pride in their high quality printing and their minimal impact on the environment. The result is beautiful hand printed fabric and designs that showcase their love of the earth. 
{photos below found here}

But wait, it gets even better! When visiting the Ink & Spindles blog, I found out about a really cool giveaway that will make you fellow fabric lovers, drool. To celebrate Earth Day, Ink & Spindle is participating in a blog hop giveaway!

As their blog explains: “In our little corner of the industry, we want to promote the use of organic fabrics. In particular, those that are sustainable & Global Organic Textiles Standard (GOTS) Certified.” 

Here is the scoop: 12 wonderful people/businesses below are giving away some beautiful textiles! So, it is time to do some blog hopping now. Stop by each blog and enter their giveaways!

I just got my most recent order of Ink & Spindle fabrics this week and they are so gorgeous. I have a perfect idea on how to use them and I am just chomping at the bit to see & share the finished product. But until then, here is my growing klt:fabricstash.  Good luck on the Blog Hop Fabric Giveaway!  I am on my way to enter them myself. Happy Fabric Friday! Do you have any favorite textile designers? 

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