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{Fun} Time to crunch in the leaves…

Wow, things have been busy around here lately! I’m still playing catch up with orders & scrambling to photograph new klt:tees. I just saw this image when I was quickly perusing pinterest on my lunch break. There was just something about it that made me stop and admire it- so it’s my image of the week. This is what I wish for this weekend. How about you? Hope you all have a wonderful weekend & find time to crunch in the leaves or smell the flowers… (depending on where you live)! 

image via here

{Fun} Time to crunch in the leaves…

Wow, things have been busy around here lately! I’m still playing catch up with orders & scrambling to photograph new klt:tees. I just saw this image when I was quickly perusing pinterest on my lunch break. There was just something about it that made me stop and admire it- so it’s my image of the week. This is what I wish for this weekend. How about you? Hope you all have a wonderful weekend & find time to crunch in the leaves or smell the flowers… (depending on where you live)! 

image via here