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{Fabric Friday} KLT:fabric bundles & giveaway…

Those of you that have been following my Fabric Fridays for the last year, won’t be surprised to learn that my fabric stash is taking over my studio right now. Boy do I love fabric & I have piles dating back to the late 1990’s. The lightbulb finally went off after numerous inquires from customers about buying my fabric to match their klt:mobiles & plush. Part of my new year resolution was to simply & pare down. So, in the spirit of making more space in my studio, I’m now creating & selling fabric bundles from my  klt:fabric stash in my Etsy Shop.

As I was frantically going through my fabric, cutting & bundling, I came up with a fun idea (I think)- a Fabric Friday Giveaway! I thought I would put together some fabric remnants in this KLT owl tote as my giveaway prize. I figured that those of you that are crafty & creative would need an extra tote. So, I will gradually add fabric to this tote over the next week – and announce a winner next Fabric Friday. Sound fun? 

To enter:
Leave a comment under this post about what you would do with your new tote of fabric.
An extra entry will be given to those that follow this blog- & another extra entry if you follow klt:works on FB & Twitter

Happy Fabric Friday! Hope everyone has a great weekend!