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Rabbits & Eggs…

Happy April!  Rabbits are hoppin’ & eggs are dyed – it’s getting quite festive in the klt:shop

{Update} Shop & Studio…

There has been an extra hustle & bustle in the klt:works studio these days. One of the tricks to being a one person business, is finding the time to make new things while filling orders. This is a balance that I have not perfected over the last 5 years- but I’m learning. So, I’m happy to say, there are a few new items in the shop now- a recycled rabbit & bulldog tote (both limited editions).  I’ve also been busy restocking new rabbit & bulldog plushies as well! 

Admittedly, what I’ve been just itching to make are dolls. I had this idea years ago actually- sketches & details sketched out even. These characters have been occupying my brain & kicking around my studio in finger puppet form for a long time. I fancied them being more to entertain myself & one of kinds- sort of a morphing of my “fine art” days with what I do now. While I was having some printing done for the previous products, I had some faces that I had dreamed up, printed on fabric- which was the first step. I’ve decided to break the monotony of the constant mobile making, by making dolls here & there in short intervals. 

Yesterday I was so excited to start & I made a doll prototype in the short time that my son was in pre-school. Yes, I did have mobiles to make – but it was a necessary creative break. I was tickled at the end product. I used my friend Daria as inspiration. I have 3 more screen printed faces to make dolls for & I can’t wait. These will all be one of a kinds, made with up-cycled sweaters that I have been saving for this purpose. Stay tuned…  Hope everyone is having a great week!