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{Design} studio visitors & some cool jewelry…

It’s really no secret that I adore design & love learning about designers & their process. Which is really why I enjoy visiting Ideal: Carefully Curated Goods whenever I can (plus, the ladies that own it are awesome & I like to visit them too). This last Friday night, the three of us went up to visit Ideal (Bellingham) & to take in the “First Friday” art walk. One of our stops was the Path- WWU IDSA fundraiser (Western Washington University Industrial Design Students). I met one of the WWU ID students a while back- he works at Ideal- & wanted to see what he was up to. Incidentally, Ideal has had a really supportive relationship with the ID department ever since they opened- which is also another reason I think they are so wonderful. 

The ID students were showing & selling “Path – Kinetic Jewelry” for their fundraiser. They used a process to make rings & a necklace, called 3D printing. The jewelry was designed & constructed by the ID students on the WWU campus, with materials sourced from US manufacturers. 

The Path Series of jewelry benefits the students in their pursuit of design education. Each peice represents the concept of an impossible object. They are constructed layer by layer to permit the presence of the ball within the track. ~WWU IDS

The energy & enthusiasm of the students showing & explaining their jewelry line was infectious & the fundraiser was buzzing. The really cool thing is that even though the fundraiser is over, you can still purchase all of the jewelry at Ideal & 100% proceeds of the jewelry go to the WWW IDsa! So when you are thinking about gifts this holiday season, don’t forget about your local design & art departments. Most likely they are making some innovative things that could make a special gift. 

As I have mentioned before, I’ve taught in the art dept. at a local college for about 12 years. I think teaching is sort of something that is in your blood. I haven’t taught since Sayer was born & I miss it sometimes. I particularly like being a creative sounding board & support when creative minds are spinning. The ID student that I previously mentioned, Samuel asked me if I had time to answer some sewing questions that had come up during his most recent design project. Of course I made time… although I wasn’t sure if I could help much. Samuel & his friend Spencer, lugged all of their materials & sewing machines to my studio on Sunday. It was great to get some different energy in there. They were constructing life jackets- a little different then the plush & mobiles that I normally make. I absolutely enjoyed the creative hum & buzz bursting out of the walls of my tiny studio. They are terrific, hardworking guys (with busily beeping iphones- which means they are very popular too) & I look forward to seeing what designs they come up with in the future. I can’t help but wish they would come to work in my studio all of the time…helping me. 

If you are interested in purchasing any of the Path- Kinetic Jewelry you can contact Ideal – I’m sure they would be happy to help you out.  

My studio seems so quiet now. Although I do have my little Christmas elf working next to me in his “office” now & then- so it isn’t too quiet. Hope you are having a nice week. What are you up to?