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{Thread Drawings} Tea, Thread, & Fabric…

I’ve been holed up in my studio the last few days working on a project. Chris & I were asked to be in an art exhibit at a local gallery for their holiday show again this year. So, I needed to squeeze in some time between filling orders & making “products”- to make “fine art”. 

My favorite thing about making art vs. products is the exploration & process. I usually just dive in with reckless abandon when I’m in the studio. I got into the creative bubble & just worked & worked until my eyes crossed. I was happy with what I came up with- nothing like working up to the last minute to rev up the ol’ creative adrenaline (old habits die hard). I used thread, black tea, fabric, & embroidery hoops for these pieces. The studio looks like a hurricane hit. 

Chris is delivering them to Smith & Vallee Gallery as I type. The show is called “Objectification 4” & the opening is Saturday night from 5-8pm – it’s up from 12/03 -12/24. Chris & I have a “date night’ without the kiddo & we will be able to mingle until our hearts content. So pop on down if you can. You can take a tour of the little town, gallery, & last year’s submitted art pieces by clicking here

Now I have to clean up the studio & start making more mobiles & plush. This was sure a nice little break though….  How’s your week going?