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{inspiration} family night out…

It’s that time again – the tulip fields are starting to bloom & our rubber boots are out.  Like every year, one of the local bulb farms has what they call “locals night” where they let those of us that live in the area into the fields to ride the tractors, play in the mud, take tons of photos, & enjoy the fields before tourists come in bus loads. It’s a family tradition to attend & Sayer has been to this event ever since he was born.  Today was cloudy & raining all day, but the sun came out just in time. The light & color was perfect.  We have family visiting from Boston so we had a chance to show off our beautiful surroundings tonight. Sayer was particularly interested in the puddles & his reflection. However, his last jump landed him bum down in the mud so…. it was time to go home. It was a fun evening. How’s your week going?

* If you didn’t get your Tulip Town photo fix, you can view “Locals night – 2011” here

{Happy New Year} Bye Bye Rabbit…

The year of the rabbit was good… a blur really. But I’m ready for the dragon- bring on 2012! Every year I get quiet, contemplative, a little nostalgic, & ooze with extra gratitude the last week of December. This year was no different except for that I was hit with an overwhelming sense of burnout. More than usual – so I slowed down & enjoyed some time off with my little family. It felt good…

My normal routine on New Year’s Eve is trying to rearrange the whole house- room by room. I can’t tell you how many New Year Eve’s Chris & I got ourselves wedged in between furniture trying to make our spaces “bigger” while trying to effectively achieve high levels of feng shui. Not today. Although we fiddled with Sayer’s room a bit – it was nothing like the past years of my needing to change everything. I feel a little more content these days. I think due in large part to connecting with so many of you over the year. It really fills me up. So, I thank you – for stopping by here now & then & leaving comments. I appreciate it beyond words. I’m raising my glass (that’s now empty) & wishing everyone a very happy new year! CHEERS! In Sayer style, I’m going to groove my way into 2012, won’t you join me?

{fun} A family of squirrels…

Having a small business means that not only do I wear many hats, but so does my family.  I got a call Friday at the end of the work day, pretty much telling me what our evening activity would be. I get my tees screen printed locally (about 5 minutes from my house) & my new squirrel tees were ready to pick up. My guys had no idea what I had planned for them when I got home. While it took a while to get into the modeling groove, things picked up quickly with some dancing & harmonica playing… 

Even though I’m sometimes met with resistance to these spontaneous photo shoots, in the end – I think we all have fun. The best part is that I have pretty consistent documentation of our little family. Work & play all at once – that’s the name of the game in our house these days. Your can view the new squirrel tees here too. Hope you had a great weekend!

{fun} A family of squirrels…

Having a small business means that not only do I wear many hats, but so does my family.  I got a call Friday at the end of the work day, pretty much telling me what our evening activity would be. I get my tees screen printed locally (about 5 minutes from my house) & my new squirrel tees were ready to pick up. My guys had no idea what I had planned for them when I got home. While it took a while to get into the modeling groove, things picked up quickly with some dancing & harmonica playing… 

Even though I’m sometimes met with resistance to these spontaneous photo shoots, in the end – I think we all have fun. The best part is that I have pretty consistent documentation of our little family. Work & play all at once – that’s the name of the game in our house these days. Your can view the new squirrel tees here too. Hope you had a great weekend!

{fun} A family of squirrels…

Having a small business means that not only do I wear many hats, but so does my family.  I got a call Friday at the end of the work day, pretty much telling me what our evening activity would be. I get my tees screen printed locally (about 5 minutes from my house) & my new squirrel tees were ready to pick up. My guys had no idea what I had planned for them when I got home. While it took a while to get into the modeling groove, things picked up quickly with some dancing & harmonica playing… 

Even though I’m sometimes met with resistance to these spontaneous photo shoots, in the end – I think we all have fun. The best part is that I have pretty consistent documentation of our little family. Work & play all at once – that’s the name of the game in our house these days. Your can view the new squirrel tees here too. Hope you had a great weekend!


While it’s not the most original statement to say that I’m thankful for family, it is number one on my very long list. As a mom, I think I see family a little differently than I used to. I now see these people through  Sayers eyes, which is quite touching really. Here is a glimpse of some of our family through his eyes…

Yep, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.  Sayer is a lucky kid to know that people from coast to coast are interested in everything he does. That makes me a very happy mom.  We are having my parents over for dinner tonight (well, in actually 1 hour) & we will see Brian & Katie tomorrow. We all live in the same state and get to see each other regularly. So this is also a Thanksgiving wish to Jennifer (& the rest of the family) & Ken who are in Boston right now -most likely already eating pie. Hope everyone is having a great day! 

Pictured: Sayer & I, Sayer & Chris, Sayer & Aunt Katie (my brother’s wife), Sayer & Brian (my brother), Sayer & Grandpa White Beard (Chris’ dad, Ken), Sayer & Jenn (Chris’ Sister), Sayer & Grandpa Fred (my dad), Sayer & Grandma Jan (my mom)


While it’s not the most original statement to say that I’m thankful for family, it is number one on my very long list. As a mom, I think I see family a little differently than I used to. I now see these people through  Sayers eyes, which is quite touching really. Here is a glimpse of some of our family through his eyes…

Yep, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.  Sayer is a lucky kid to know that people from coast to coast are interested in everything he does. That makes me a very happy mom.  We are having my parents over for dinner tonight (well, in actually 1 hour) & we will see Brian & Katie tomorrow. We all live in the same state and get to see each other regularly. So this is also a Thanksgiving wish to Jennifer (& the rest of the family) & Ken who are in Boston right now -most likely already eating pie. Hope everyone is having a great day! 

Pictured: Sayer & I, Sayer & Chris, Sayer & Aunt Katie (my brother’s wife), Sayer & Brian (my brother), Sayer & Grandpa White Beard (Chris’ dad, Ken), Sayer & Jenn (Chris’ Sister), Sayer & Grandpa Fred (my dad), Sayer & Grandma Jan (my mom)


While it’s not the most original statement to say that I’m thankful for family, it is number one on my very long list. As a mom, I think I see family a little differently than I used to. I now see these people through  Sayers eyes, which is quite touching really. Here is a glimpse of some of our family through his eyes…

Yep, I have a lot to be thankful for this year.  Sayer is a lucky kid to know that people from coast to coast are interested in everything he does. That makes me a very happy mom.  We are having my parents over for dinner tonight (well, in actually 1 hour) & we will see Brian & Katie tomorrow. We all live in the same state and get to see each other regularly. So this is also a Thanksgiving wish to Jennifer (& the rest of the family) & Ken who are in Boston right now -most likely already eating pie. Hope everyone is having a great day! 

Pictured: Sayer & I, Sayer & Chris, Sayer & Aunt Katie (my brother’s wife), Sayer & Brian (my brother), Sayer & Grandpa White Beard (Chris’ dad, Ken), Sayer & Jenn (Chris’ Sister), Sayer & Grandpa Fred (my dad), Sayer & Grandma Jan (my mom)