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{giveaway} gazing at the birds…

The new thread drawing mobiles debuted this summer and I am so excited to be giving one away! You can enter to win an “all about birds” mobile over at the Baby Space blog– but be sure to enter before September 30th. 

I love to do giveaways, but quickly realized that I get too involved with the comments and feel badly that I can’t give everyone something. So, it’s better that I have others do klt:giveaways- that way, I’m not directly involved. Bron, from Baby Space once did such a lovely post about Sayer’s room, that I was happy that she would be hosting this mobile giveaway. If you love interior spaces for children, you have to check out her blog. She is always revealing beautiful spaces and things to fill them.  

If you like the idea of gazing at the birds while falling asleep, stop by Baby Space soon…. 
In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

{giveaway} gazing at the birds…

The new thread drawing mobiles debuted this summer and I am so excited to be giving one away! You can enter to win an “all about birds” mobile over at the Baby Space blog– but be sure to enter before September 30th. 

I love to do giveaways, but quickly realized that I get too involved with the comments and feel badly that I can’t give everyone something. So, it’s better that I have others do klt:giveaways- that way, I’m not directly involved. Bron, from Baby Space once did such a lovely post about Sayer’s room, that I was happy that she would be hosting this mobile giveaway. If you love interior spaces for children, you have to check out her blog. She is always revealing beautiful spaces and things to fill them.  

If you like the idea of gazing at the birds while falling asleep, stop by Baby Space soon…. 
In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

{SURPRISE} giveaway winners…

I just want to say that I truly appreciate all of the comments that were left on the 100 giveaway post! I am so touched by those of you that have shared your children’s reactions to the products that I make along with those that enjoy reading this blog. I am really more of a “buy the world a coke” sort of gal & would feel better if I offered at least a  token of thanks to all that participated. So, for everyone that left a comment on the giveaway post – using {BLOGSHIP} in the comment section at checkout, gives you free shipping (refund via Pay Pal) on any KLT order until the end of 2010. Ok, so now the drum roll please….. the winners, via the handy “random number generator” at www.random.org, are…
$50 – Chelsei
$25 – Chantale
$15 – Nancy
$10 – Shannon
(If you don’t receive an email from me by Sunday afternoon, then that means I don’t know how to reach you -so  email me – kristin@kltworks.com)
Thanks again for participating and the lovely words! Hope you are having a great weekend… 

{SURPRISE} giveaway winners…

I just want to say that I truly appreciate all of the comments that were left on the 100 giveaway post! I am so touched by those of you that have shared your children’s reactions to the products that I make along with those that enjoy reading this blog. I am really more of a “buy the world a coke” sort of gal & would feel better if I offered at least a  token of thanks to all that participated. So, for everyone that left a comment on the giveaway post – using {BLOGSHIP} in the comment section at checkout, gives you free shipping (refund via Pay Pal) on any KLT order until the end of 2010. Ok, so now the drum roll please….. the winners, via the handy “random number generator” at www.random.org, are…
$50 – Chelsei
$25 – Chantale
$15 – Nancy
$10 – Shannon
(If you don’t receive an email from me by Sunday afternoon, then that means I don’t know how to reach you -so  email me – kristin@kltworks.com)
Thanks again for participating and the lovely words! Hope you are having a great weekend… 

{SURPRISE} giveaway winners…

I just want to say that I truly appreciate all of the comments that were left on the 100 giveaway post! I am so touched by those of you that have shared your children’s reactions to the products that I make along with those that enjoy reading this blog. I am really more of a “buy the world a coke” sort of gal & would feel better if I offered at least a  token of thanks to all that participated. So, for everyone that left a comment on the giveaway post – using {BLOGSHIP} in the comment section at checkout, gives you free shipping (refund via Pay Pal) on any KLT order until the end of 2010. Ok, so now the drum roll please….. the winners, via the handy “random number generator” at www.random.org, are…
$50 – Chelsei
$25 – Chantale
$15 – Nancy
$10 – Shannon
(If you don’t receive an email from me by Sunday afternoon, then that means I don’t know how to reach you -so  email me – kristin@kltworks.com)
Thanks again for participating and the lovely words! Hope you are having a great weekend… 

{SURPRISE} 100 posts = $100…

Why is Sayer bursting with happy giggles you ask? Well, he knows what I am about to share with you.  Yesterday was a little momentous here at klt:sketchbook. As I was writing my Fabric Friday post, I glanced over to see that it was post 100! Wow, I think that is cause for a little celebration, don’t you? This blog has been a such labor of love for me and I have enjoyed writing and planning every post so far. Your comments have been so wonderful and the friendships that have come through blogging are awesome. So, to say thank you to those that read this blog & those that are FB “likers”, I want to offer up a gift card giveaway worth a total of $100 towards klt:goodies (a dollar a post)! Winners will be chosen by using random.org and posted here next Saturday the 28th.
1. $50 klt:gift card
2. $25 klt:gift card
3. $15 klt:gift card
4. $10 klt:gift card
How to enter:
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here (or on the KLT FB page) giving me a little feedback. For 1 entry, let me know your favorite klt:works product & why. For a second entry, tell me your favorite blog post and why. Pretty simple, huh? I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Thanks again & good luck!

{SURPRISE} 100 posts = $100…

Why is Sayer bursting with happy giggles you ask? Well, he knows what I am about to share with you.  Yesterday was a little momentous here at klt:sketchbook. As I was writing my Fabric Friday post, I glanced over to see that it was post 100! Wow, I think that is cause for a little celebration, don’t you? This blog has been a such labor of love for me and I have enjoyed writing and planning every post so far. Your comments have been so wonderful and the friendships that have come through blogging are awesome. So, to say thank you to those that read this blog & those that are FB “likers”, I want to offer up a gift card giveaway worth a total of $100 towards klt:goodies (a dollar a post)! Winners will be chosen by using random.org and posted here next Saturday the 28th.
1. $50 klt:gift card
2. $25 klt:gift card
3. $15 klt:gift card
4. $10 klt:gift card
How to enter:
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here (or on the KLT FB page) giving me a little feedback. For 1 entry, let me know your favorite klt:works product & why. For a second entry, tell me your favorite blog post and why. Pretty simple, huh? I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Thanks again & good luck!

{SURPRISE} 100 posts = $100…

Why is Sayer bursting with happy giggles you ask? Well, he knows what I am about to share with you.  Yesterday was a little momentous here at klt:sketchbook. As I was writing my Fabric Friday post, I glanced over to see that it was post 100! Wow, I think that is cause for a little celebration, don’t you? This blog has been a such labor of love for me and I have enjoyed writing and planning every post so far. Your comments have been so wonderful and the friendships that have come through blogging are awesome. So, to say thank you to those that read this blog & those that are FB “likers”, I want to offer up a gift card giveaway worth a total of $100 towards klt:goodies (a dollar a post)! Winners will be chosen by using random.org and posted here next Saturday the 28th.
1. $50 klt:gift card
2. $25 klt:gift card
3. $15 klt:gift card
4. $10 klt:gift card
How to enter:
All you have to do to enter is leave a comment here (or on the KLT FB page) giving me a little feedback. For 1 entry, let me know your favorite klt:works product & why. For a second entry, tell me your favorite blog post and why. Pretty simple, huh? I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Thanks again & good luck!

{collaboration} A fun project…

Isn’t it cool how small the world can be sometimes? It continues to amaze me how many wonderful people I meet in cyber space. Last year, I had a shop on  papernstitch around the holidays. When I was poking through the other exhibiting shops, I ran across 2 that I kept going back to, Helen Rawlinson (her fabric is a klt:staple now) and Mee a Bee, founded by Jacqui Miyabayashi. 

I quickly purchased a really cute robot satchel from Jacqui, for Sayer. When I bought the bag, I mentioned that we both had shops together on papernstitch and we exchanged contact info. It wasn’t too long before Jacqui bought an owl tee for her son Tyler. What was sort of interesting is that Jacqui and I were both  interviewed by Brittni for home tours on Bloesem Kids and our interviews ended up being posted back to back! I enjoyed learning more about Jacqui and remember that she had left a very sweet comment on my post. From then on, we continuously ran into each other cyberly and quickly developed a wonderfully supportive friendship. I guess I should thank Brittni for introducing us!

I am always open to collaborations and when an opportunity presents itself to work with someone that I enjoy and who makes things that I appreciate, then I jump on it. Both Jacqui and I make things for our shops with our muses (our boys) heavily in our thoughts and a collaboration just seemed like a perfect fit. One of the things unique to Jacqui’s bags, is that she uses Japanese fabrics. So we started a series of emails to choose a Japanese linen that works for both of our design aesthetics. The slug was one of Jacqui’s favorite plush that I make so that became my part of the collaboration. I think the bag she made with the same fabric is just gorgeous! And now, I think I am hooked on using Japanese linen.

We started this project quite a long time ago but given that we are both trying to figure out the balance between being a mom and time at the sewing machine, it took a little while before we were ready to present our idea to the world. When we chatted about how we wanted to unveil our collaboration, both of us immediately thought a giveaway would be perfect – and Rachelle at Kenziepoo was who we wanted to host it. Rachelle met Jacqui through the home tours on Bloesem Kids as well. I discovered Rachelle’s blog through Jacqui, so how cool to have Rachelle a part of our project? Rachelle has been such a huge support to both of us and our businesses in the time that we have known her. She is one of those people that just goes above and beyond when it comes to kindness. Not to mention, her blog is great and her daughter, Kenzie, is an adorable fashionista. I can’t wait to see what cool outfit she will be wearing next and what room will be turned into an outfit! Needless to say, I feel pretty darn lucky to be friends with these talented ladies.

So, let me tell you about the giveaway. All you have to do is stop by Kenziepoo and enter here to win a satchel and matching slug! (Please don’t enter here.) It’s open world wide- Rachelle will announce the winner on Friday the 27th in a post.  Oh, I just love fun things like this. Good luck! One more thing, Jacqui & I both just added this combination to our individual Etsy shops as well here & here. Hope you enjoy our Mee a Bee + klt:works brainstorm!

{collaboration} A fun project…

Isn’t it cool how small the world can be sometimes? It continues to amaze me how many wonderful people I meet in cyber space. Last year, I had a shop on  papernstitch around the holidays. When I was poking through the other exhibiting shops, I ran across 2 that I kept going back to, Helen Rawlinson (her fabric is a klt:staple now) and Mee a Bee, founded by Jacqui Miyabayashi. 

I quickly purchased a really cute robot satchel from Jacqui, for Sayer. When I bought the bag, I mentioned that we both had shops together on papernstitch and we exchanged contact info. It wasn’t too long before Jacqui bought an owl tee for her son Tyler. What was sort of interesting is that Jacqui and I were both  interviewed by Brittni for home tours on Bloesem Kids and our interviews ended up being posted back to back! I enjoyed learning more about Jacqui and remember that she had left a very sweet comment on my post. From then on, we continuously ran into each other cyberly and quickly developed a wonderfully supportive friendship. I guess I should thank Brittni for introducing us!

I am always open to collaborations and when an opportunity presents itself to work with someone that I enjoy and who makes things that I appreciate, then I jump on it. Both Jacqui and I make things for our shops with our muses (our boys) heavily in our thoughts and a collaboration just seemed like a perfect fit. One of the things unique to Jacqui’s bags, is that she uses Japanese fabrics. So we started a series of emails to choose a Japanese linen that works for both of our design aesthetics. The slug was one of Jacqui’s favorite plush that I make so that became my part of the collaboration. I think the bag she made with the same fabric is just gorgeous! And now, I think I am hooked on using Japanese linen.

We started this project quite a long time ago but given that we are both trying to figure out the balance between being a mom and time at the sewing machine, it took a little while before we were ready to present our idea to the world. When we chatted about how we wanted to unveil our collaboration, both of us immediately thought a giveaway would be perfect – and Rachelle at Kenziepoo was who we wanted to host it. Rachelle met Jacqui through the home tours on Bloesem Kids as well. I discovered Rachelle’s blog through Jacqui, so how cool to have Rachelle a part of our project? Rachelle has been such a huge support to both of us and our businesses in the time that we have known her. She is one of those people that just goes above and beyond when it comes to kindness. Not to mention, her blog is great and her daughter, Kenzie, is an adorable fashionista. I can’t wait to see what cool outfit she will be wearing next and what room will be turned into an outfit! Needless to say, I feel pretty darn lucky to be friends with these talented ladies.

So, let me tell you about the giveaway. All you have to do is stop by Kenziepoo and enter here to win a satchel and matching slug! (Please don’t enter here.) It’s open world wide- Rachelle will announce the winner on Friday the 27th in a post.  Oh, I just love fun things like this. Good luck! One more thing, Jacqui & I both just added this combination to our individual Etsy shops as well here & here. Hope you enjoy our Mee a Bee + klt:works brainstorm!